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La infausta noticia de amor y de más (English Subtitles)
In the Mexican Revolution epoc, the future of the country and it inhabitants is uncertain, yet four compadres gather in the village bar to catch up on the most relevant issues of their lives in recen days.
Views: 98
Revelaciones del Tiempo / Offenbarunguen der Zeit
The sun, earth and water mix in the company of music in this experimental video, which reveals how life is transformed with the passing of the seasons.
Views: 59
Time Void
The fears of the future become present when humans initiate their own destruction.Longing to be one of the few to continue with life after the catastrope. Arriet is a women who has a plan for survival
Views: 92
Views: 51
Great Expectations (Vancouver Film School)
Directors: Brad Allam, Daniel Won Cho, Julie Couturier, Alejandro Flores, Cliff Lee, Kate Newman, Aaron Olszowiec, Jonh Sayer, Christian Schrapff, Greg Stirling, Scott Westgard, Sohiel Zargarpour.
Views: 108
La luz de mi vida
The corruption, the violence, the worldwide disorder and impunity destroys the light that surrounds the life of Pamela, changing completely her existence and leaving her in a total darkness.
Views: 54
Life goes around so much that the smallest details always come back closing an infinite circle of love and care for others. This is a one minute 35mm film in Spanish.
Views: 95
Day and nigth
Views: 45
Les Toilettes
A Mexican tourist is confused by the language and gets involved in a very embarrassing situation
Views: 33
Crónicas de una cuarentena anunciada
Quarantine isolation and social distancing caused by COVID-19, makes us think about our life and ask ourselves what is really important.
Views: 73
Kill and Pray, Fay Wray
A Mexican hotel of the sixties. The young nun Fay is searching for God. Her religious fanaticism gets her into more and more trouble. Ein mexikanisches Hotel der sechziger Jahre. Die junge Nonne Fay ist auf der Suche nach Gott. Ihr religiöser Fanatismus bringt sie dabei mehr und mehr in Schwierigkeiten.
Views: 30