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La infausta noticia de amor y de más (English Subtitles)
In the Mexican Revolution epoc, the future of the country and it inhabitants is uncertain, yet four compadres gather in the village bar to catch up on the most relevant issues of their lives in recen days.
Director: Alejandro Flores Tapia
Production: Alejandro Flores Tapia
Talent: David Ponce, Alejandro Belmonte, Rolando López, Aldo Colín Suarez, Carlos Cornejo Zapote, Paulina Colín Ayala, José García Pérez, Adriana Pérez Coria, Diego Navarro Ríos.
Genre: Comedy, Fiction
- Parental Guidance Suggested
Country: Mexico
Year: 2020
Runtime: 16min 25sec
Legal advice: This film is rated PG-Parental Guidance Suggested. Some material may not be suitable for children. All Rights Reserved ®2020. The copy, recording, total or partial download is forbidden, also reproduction out site this plataform is not allowed. CAFT has the permission of it´s creators and copyright holders for its storage, visualization and distribution on this platform.
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